Deanna York
Professional Massage Therapy


Put your monthly massage on autopilot!

You already have enough items on your to-do list. Remembering to book your next massage doesn't have to be one of them.

Joining our membership program makes it easy to keep coming back for regular appointments. Pick a plan that works best for you today, save some money, and relax knowing that there's one less thing to worry about.

Don't miss out on the best way to get regular relief from life's aches and pains. Visit our website to learn more about becoming a member today!


  • Our yearly memberships are automatically billed to your account on the day you sign up. We wish to offer this membership program to our loyal clients as a way to save on your regular patronage of our massage salon. If you wish to cancel, simply provide a written, 30-day notice and your card will not be billed again!
  • Benefits Do Not Include Gratuity
  • Membership dues cover the cost of monthly treatments only. Your tips based on full menu pricing are MUCH appreciated by our skilled practitioners.
  • Membership Terms Are Subject to Change
  • Invigorating Touch reserves the right to amend the terms of our membership agreement at any time. We also reserve the right to cancel any membership for any reason and will provide written notice if such changes are made within 30-days.


Relax Package (2-60 Minutes)- $160

- Includes two Therapeutic visits per month

- Savings over $80 per month

- Unused credits will be good for 30 days after being issued

- Access to the Sauna Blanket or Red-Light Therapy

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Relax Package (4-60 Minutes)- $320

- Includes four Therapeutic visits per month

- Savings over $100 per month

- Unused credits will be good for 30 days after being issued

- Access to the Sauna Blanket or Red-Light Therapy

Click to Save

Relax Package (2-90 Minutes)- $240

- Includes two Therapeutic visits per month

- Savings over $80 per month

- Unused credits will be good for 30 days after being issued

- Access to the Sauna Blanket or Red-Light Therapy

Click to Save

Relax Package (4-90 Minutes)- $480

- Includes four Therapeutic visits per month

- Savings over $100 per month

- Unused credits will be good for 30 days after being issued

- Access to the Sauna Blanket or Red-Light Therapy

Click to Save